Sunday, June 3, 2012

Sunday MArianne

"Sunday is your "off "day right?" Marianne asked me. Oh Marianne is a researcher from Denmark, she will be staying here for about 2 months. The answer to that question is - a nod.

Marianne told me back in Denmark, people had different working patterns. They will divide the time into two half, - working time and pleasure time. And pleasure time is really important to them. But, when it comes to work, they will be so productive. Even his boss, who is an Indian said, the people of Denmark work so effectively during the day compared for those who eagerly to work until late night.

That is really interesting, because here, I saw the students will devote their time fully for the study, especially the local students. They are super duper "addicted" to study. Sometimes, I will find myself stumbled upon them when they were walking around, memorizing the textbooks or notes. That was impressive.

But I guess Marianne is right. Why don't I really focus during my study time? And had the Sunday off all by myself. Will see about that. I hope it will really works!

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